These rates are effective as of June 15th, 2023
Deep tissue, Swedish, Couples, and Pregnancy
This is an eastern technique used create a negative pressure allowing fluids & toxins to be eliminated.
All Therapist except Sandy and Amy
Gretchen, Laura, Charmain, ONLY
Sports massage can be on site, at an event or in our office. If you are training for an event we can help with circulation, stretching, scar tissue and deep tissue. Tools will most likely be used. Gretchen, Sarah, Amy and Jeremy
-Tools for a quick response, pre event, or after you have ended PT and need more work.
YOU MUST CALL THE OFFICE TO BOOK 518-523-7100 Two therapists with two clients in the same room. All massage therapist except Jeremy.
All therapist except Jeremy can do pregnancy massage.
Saltability, 100% pure Himalayan crystal salt, considered the purest and most beneficial salt ever discovered on earth, contains 84 naturally occurring minerals and salts. Resonating at the Earth’s frequency, Himalayan salt balances and neutralizes the ill effects of the toxic frequencies we live with every day. Charmaine, Laura, Amy, Sandy and Paige
Developed in the Midwest for use in health spas, this technique uses stones that have been heated. These stones are positioned on the body, and some are gently moved about with light pressure being exerted on the warm stones. Laura, Charmain, Sandy, Amy, Jami, Paige
Green Envee skincare with Kristin
60 minutes/30 minutes
75 Minutes
75 minutes
45 minutes
75 Minutes/ Express 45 minutes
75 minutes
75 minutes
The Kinesio Taping Method is designed to facilitate the body's natural healing process while allowing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body's range of motion. Gretchen, Jeremy, and Sarah. ONLY
A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the client by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Patrick Butler Reiki Master
Can be added to any massage
-Unscented is mild strength
-Relax is moderate strength with Lavender, Frankincense, and Chamomile as high note essential oils.
-Revive is extra strength with peppermint, clove and sage as high note essential oils.
-Ultimate is maximum strength with peppermint, clove, and tea tree high note essential oils. This oil will cool the skin!
Hot wax vats you dip hands or feet, deep penetrating heat. Highly recommended for arthritis and relaxation.
Choose from 4 doTERRA Basic essential oils to add to your massage.
Balance- creates a sense of calm and well-being
Deep Blue-helps to soothe muscles and relax the body
Serenity-promotes relaxation, encourages calm emotions and lessens the feelings of tension
Aromatouch-the ultimate blend to lessen tension and aid in a soothing sensation
Lavendar- traditional for relaxation
Citrus Bliss- give a little boost to your day, but do not let the sun hit your skin after, it will burn.
Red Light 660nm- promotes Collagen regeneration, tightens skin, reduces wrinkles, and offers comprehensive anti-aging beauty treatment
-aids in wound healing, eliminates inflammation, addresses muscle pain, and arthritis
-Encourages hair regrowth and scalp health
Near- infrared Light 850nm- Promotes ATP production in deep tissue cells, accelerating metabolism
-Eliminates deep tissue inflammation, repairs arthritis
-treats brain-related diseases, promotes brain health, aids in neural repair
Blue- Combats acne, reducing pimples, Relieves Choronic skin inflammation, such as eczema
Yellow Light 590nm-Eases skin sunburns, enhances complexion
-Anti inflammatory and anti allergy, reduces skin redness
Cyan Light 500nm- Prevents acne, suppresses sebum production
-Minimizes skin pores
Green Light 525nm-Relives headaches, migrains
-improves skin pigmentation issues
Purple Loght 430nm- Regulates skin allergies
-calms the skin
White Light 430nm-850nm
-All wavelengths of light are activated
-calms the skinhensive therapeutic effacts
Couseling- $125
Consutation- $125
Follow up- $65
Marma Therapy- $65 for 30 minutes
Marma and Yoga Therapy $125 for 60 minutes
Private Yoga- $70 or series of 5 for $325
Cancelation Policy is 24 hours from time of service. We greatly appreciate canceling if you have a fever or have any contagious colds. If you do not show up we will charge you full price of service missed.
Purchase gift certificates either per service or amount. Pick out a gift certificate for any special occasion. Prices are on tabe at the top of the page.